
Discover insightful tips, latest industry trends, and essential safety practices on the Leo’s Guns & Range blog. Dive into our in-depth articles that cover a variety of topics that will help you whether you’re an experienced marksman or a novice gun enthusiast. Our blog also highlights updates from our range, upcoming events, and stories from the firearms community. Join the conversation and stay informed — visit our blog for all your shooting needs and insights!

Understanding the Waiting Period to Purchase a Gun

Understanding the Waiting Period to Purchase a Gun

Congratulations on purchasing your first firearm! Now, you must wait 72 hours before picking it up. Every firearm owner in Illinois is subject to a three-day waiting period. Understanding the legal requirements, including the waiting period, is crucial for buyers...

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Gun in Illinois

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Gun in Illinois

Buying a firearm is a significant decision that comes with legal responsibilities and requirements, especially in a state like Illinois. As a first-time buyer, you should be prepared to present the proper documentation at the time of purchase.  Keep reading to...

Why You Should Visit a Shooting Range Before Buying A Gun

Why You Should Visit a Shooting Range Before Buying A Gun

So, you’re thinking about purchasing a new firearm. Great! Before you jump the gun and purchase one, visit your local shooting range.  Whether you’re a seasoned gun owner or a first-time buyer, visiting a shooting range before making a purchase can make all the...